- Level 03:
Diploma in Business Management
The qualification will provide learners with the
underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills associated with business activities.
- Communication for Business
- The Business Environment
- People Management
- Customer Service
- Finance in Business
- Marketing
- Level 03:
Diploma in Business Studies
The objective of the Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies
qualification is to provide learners with an in depth understanding of the
operations and structure of businesses. Successful completion of this
qualification will equip learners with the underpinning knowledge and skills
required to succeed in employment or further studies.
- Introduction to Research and Academic Skills
- Using IT for Business
- Introduction to Economics and Accounting
- Introduction to the Business Environment
- Introduction to Customer Service
- Introduction to Marketing
- Level 04 :
Diploma in Business Management
- Academic Writing and Research Skills
- Business Operations
- Communication in Business
- Finance and Accounting
- Leading and Managing Teams
- Operating in a Global Context
- Level 05:
Diploma in Business Management
- Principles and Concepts of Strategy
- The Management of Human Resources
- Marketing for Managers
- Business Law for Managers
- Management Accounting and Decision Making
- Business Start-up; Conception to Market
- Level 06:
Diploma in Business Management
- Leadership and People Management
- Business Research Project
- Operations Management
- Financial Decision Making
- Sustainable Business Practices
- Strategic Human Resource Management